Friday 3/8/2007: a day at the beach at the Maroochydore Surf Club. On the agenda, some swimming under the watchful eye of the lifeguards, some volleyball, a siesta, lunch and lots of water...we should be ready to deal with the oh-so-difficult weekend coming up...
lundi 6 août 2007
A Hard Day's Work!
jeudi 2 août 2007
Starter: Aussie World; Main Course: Opals Down Under; Pudding: Strawberries!
Au programme d'une de nos journees decouvertes: Le parc d'attractions d'Aussie World. L'ayant rien que pour nous, nous avons pu profiter de tous les maneges. Ensuite, nous sommes partis a la recherche des opales pour en remplir nos sacs. Apres toutes ces aventures, nous avions besoin de reprendre des forces, donc direction les champs de fraises pour une cueillette en compagnie d'Ole.
On the programme for one of our days out, the "Aussie World" theme park. Having it all to ourselves, we were able to make the most of all the rides. Then, we went in search of some opals to fill our bags with. After all this excitement, we needed to get our strength back, so off we went to the strawberry fields for some "pick-your-own" in the company of Ole.
By Remi and Amy!
Les aurillacoises: nouvelles stars d’Australie.
Dimanche soir, Big Brother, le reality-show australien s’est déroulé près de Brisbane devant des centaines de personnes… dont trois françaises en touristes !
Sunday evening, Big Brother, the Australian reality show took place near Brisbane in front of hundreds of people… including three French tourists.
Sunday evening, Big Brother, the Australian reality show took place near Brisbane in front of hundreds of people… including three French tourists.
Written by Emilie.
Eumundi Markets and Noosa National Park
Eumundi Markets: A big market where a lot of little stallholders try to sell us their produce. Fruit, vegetables, jewellery and typically Australian items are there. Noosa National Park: A national park created in 1939 which protects the most beautiful animals in the world.
Text written by Cindy, Pauline and Julie.
Well Done Katini!
Katini Yamaoka a battu trois records d'athletisme a l' "Athletics Carnival" vendredi dernier. Il s'agit du 100 metres, 400 metres et saut en hauteur. Elle est dans la maison "Bradman" qui a d'ailleurs gagne l'Athletics Carnival. L'air vivifiant du Cantal n'y est pas pour rien!
Katini Yamaoka beat three athlectics records at the Athletics Carnival last Friday. She ran the 100 metres, the 400 metres and did the high jump. She's in Bradman House which ended up winning the Carnival. The revitalising air of the Cantal must have something to do with it!
Text written by Marie.
The Athletics Carnival
Les quatre maisons de la SCGS se sont affrontees lors d'une journee entierement consacree au sport. Les eleves, tous deguises, se sont essayes aux saut en hauteur, lancer du disque, lancer du poids et a la course (100m, 200m, relais, etc.). Apres une telle competition, c'est finalement la maison verte (Bradman) qui a gagne!
The four houses at SCGS confronted each other during a day that was entirely devoted to sport. The students, who were all wearing fancy dress, did the high jump, the discus, the shot put and running (100m, 200m, the relay, etc.). After such a hard competition, the green house (Bradman) ended up winning.
By Melisa.
Speeches At The Assembly
My name is Remi. I'm a philosophy teacher.
We all come from Aurillac, a town in the middle of France. It's a small town in the mountains. The specialities are cheese, wine and of course... Rugby.
We all travelled 20000 kms during 24 hours to get here but we are pleased we did. Your school is really nice not just because of the site but because of the people. You have all been really kind and welcoming. Thank you for that and a special thanks to Mrs. Guild who has done so much for us.
We really hope that we can do the same for some of you, so do come over and stay with us! Why not come over in September or October and watch France win the World Cup!
Thank you again."
(Discours donne a l'assembly)
"Bonjour tout le monde!
Je m'appelle Katini Yamaoka, j'ai 16 ans.
J'ai passe 6 mois en France dans une ville qui s'appelle Aurillac. Je suis allee dans un lycee ou je me suis fait pleins d'amis.
J'ai fait une experience geniale... C'etait peut-etre une des meilleures experiences dans ma vie.
Je voudrais remercier l'organisation ELO et je veux souhaiter la bienvenue au groupe francais. J'espere que votre sejour se passera aussi bien que le mien.
Si vous avez une question, n'hesitez pas a demander a quelqu'un.
Merci beaucoup."
(discours donne a l'assembly.)
The Assembly
Every Tuesday morning we go with all the students and all the teachers to the assembly. Each person brings his or her own chair and sits together in the playground. The assembly begins with the Australian national anthem when everybody must stand up and watch the flag being raised. The principal and some teachers give the news of the week. We were officially introduced last Tuesday and we each received a SCGS badge.
Text written by Caroline.
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