Tous les mardis matins nous assistons ainsi que tous les eleves et tous les professeurs a l'assembly! Chacun apporte sa chaise et se regroupe dans la cour. L'assembly commence par l'hymne national australien ou tout le monde doit se lever et regarder la montee du drapeau. Le proviseur et certains professeurs annoncent les nouvelles de la semaine. Nous y avons ete officiellement presentes mardi dernier et nous avons chacun recu un pin's de l'ecole.
Every Tuesday morning we go with all the students and all the teachers to the assembly. Each person brings his or her own chair and sits together in the playground. The assembly begins with the Australian national anthem when everybody must stand up and watch the flag being raised. The principal and some teachers give the news of the week. We were officially introduced last Tuesday and we each received a SCGS badge.
Text written by Caroline.
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